Author: Nephtali Tshitadi

About the Author

Nephtali Tshitadi est un écrivain professionnel, chercheur et fondateur de Nephsonic, une entreprise qui offre des services d'écriture aux entreprises et aux particuliers. Il est titulaire d'une maîtrise (Masters) en finance de l' Université de Johannesburg (UJ), Afrique du Sud. Il rst également détenteur d'un diplôme de Licence en gestion financière et un diplôme de graduat en sciences économiques de l' Université de Kolwezi (UNIKOL), DR Congo, where he graduated with Honors.

Nephtali possède une vaste expérience dans la rédaction et supervision des travaux scientifiques, d'études de cas, de dissertations, de propositions de recherche, de l'édition de documents et de la rédaction de textes publicitaires, de brochures, de bulletins d'information, de communiqués de presse, de contenus de sites Web et d'autres supports marketing. Il a travaillé sur différents types de projets tels que la rédaction de contenus pour des sites Web et des blogs, la création de livres blancs ou de rapports sur des sujets spécifiques, la réalisation d'analyses de marché et d'études financières. Il maîtrise deux langues internationales : Français et Anglais

Aperçu général

Plus le niveau d'éducation est élevé, plus la capacité à créer de la richesse et du bien-être est grande. Ne cessez pas d'apprendre; apprenez, apprenez encore et encore.

  • Nom Complet:
    Nephtali Mwambenu Tshitadi
  • Date de naissance:
    25 April 1991
  • Country of origin:
    DR Congo
  • Location:
    South Africa
  • Qualification:
    Master’s degree
  • Occupation:
    • Entrepreneur
    • Researcher
    • Content Writer
    • Website & Graphic Designer
  • Language proficiency:
    • English
    • French
    • Swahili
  • Personality:
    • Self-motivated and detail oriented
    • Excellent work ethic
    • Outgoing and friendly
    • Positive attitude
    • Strong sense of responsibility
    • Excellent team player and great sense of humor

Origines and famille

Nephtali est né le 25 avril 1991 à Mutshatshaune ville située à environ 150 km de la ville de Kolwezi, in the Lualaba province, DR Congo. Il est le neuvième d'une famille de onze enfants. Nephtali est le fils du père Florent Ilunga Yava (alias Walter) et sa mère Petronie Mavu Samba, un beau couple qui s'est marié depuis plus de 50 ans. Ses parents l'ont beaucoup soutenu et ont joué un rôle important dans sa vie.

Nephtali is a very sociable and friendly person who loves being around people. This has made him a good listener, which he uses to help others solve their problems. He is also a hard worker and has always been motivated to succeed in life. Nephtali has been a role model to his siblings and other young people from his community because of his achievements. 

Parcours scolaire

Nephtali s'est consacré à l'apprentissage et à la croissance personnelle. Il détient actuellement un Master en Finance de l'Université de Johannesburg (UJ), en Afrique du Sud. Il a également une licence en économie et un diplome de licence en gestion financière. Nephtali parle couramment l'anglais, le français et le Swahili. Ci-dessous, un résumé de son parcours scolaire :

  • Maîtrise de commerce (MCom) - Finance
    Université de Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud. Date d'obtention du diplôme : 2022.
  • Diplôme de licence (Hons) - Gestion financière
    Université de Kolwezi, RD Congo. Date d'obtention du diplôme : 2014.
  • Baccalauréat en commerce (BCom) - Économie
    Université de Kolwezi, RD Congo. Date d'obtention du diplôme : 2011.
  • Certificat supérieur (HCBA) - Administration des affaires
    Institut supérieur de technologie de Richfield, Afrique du Sud. Date d'obtention: 2017.
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) - Education
    Institut Mutshatsha, DR Congo. Graduation date: 2008.

Nephtali Tshitadi is a passionate individual who strongly believes education is a key factor in improving one’s standard of living. He has always been eager to learn and has demonstrated a strong work ethic throughout his life. He is considering enrolling in a PhD program in the near future with the intention of contributing to the knowledge base of society.

His research interests include corporate governance, financial inclusion, investments, SMEs growth in developing countries, corporate finance, entrepreneurship and innovation. Nephtali Tshitadi is an experienced researcher who has worked on projects with various individuals.

Professional Career

Nephtali began his career at the age of 21 when he joined Finca International in 2012 as a Credit Analyst. Two years after his contract with Finca ended, in 2014, he returned to school to pursue his studies and obtained his Honors degree in Financial Management from the Université de Kolwezi. In 2016, he moved to South Africa to further his studies, and in 2020 Nephtali graduated with a Master’s degree in Finance at the Université de Johannesburg

Nephtali is currently working as a Professional Writer at Nephsonic, the company he created in 2019, which offers a variety of writing services to students and businesses. He also serves as Content Creator at Wingu Academy, South Africa. The highlights of his professional career are summarized below:

Areas of expertise

Nephtali Tshitadi has experience conducting financial research and creating market analyses. He also has a breadth of expertise in a number of different fields, including finance, economics, management and business. Below is the list of his areas of expertise:

Nephtali has also helped write blog posts and articles for some clients about eCommerce, research, religion, food and catering, education, social media and general topics.

Nephtali Tshitadi

MCom Finance

Learning is not a one-time event. It is a process that must be repeated over and over again if you want to keep growing and improving as a human being.”


Nephtali is an intelligent, diligent and hardworking individual who possesses a diverse set of skills. He is highly proficient in Anglais et Français and has demonstrated a strong ability to work efficiently with people from different backgrounds, cultures and ages. He has also developed a keen interest in applied research methods such as quantitative analysis and qualitative methods. His experience as an entrepreneur has taught him how to effectively manage time, resources and human capital. Some of his greatest skills include:

editing and proofreading

Religious Affiliation

Nephtali is a born-again Christian and a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. He believes in God the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. He also believes that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that only through Him can we find eternal life. Nephtali is very committed to his faith and actively participates in church activities. He believes that faith in God is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life and that God has a plan for every person, and following His will will bring them closer to Him.

Nephtali is a member of a Pentecostal church where he serves as an evangelist, preacher and interpreter (English to/from French). He loves reading the Bible and believes it is God’s Word and should be followed and obeyed completely. He believes in the power of prayer, which he frequently uses to ask God for guidance, comfort and strength daily.

Nephtali was baptized into deep waters in 2014 by Pastor Jean-Louis Nyingika from MIREVINT church in Kolwezi, DR Congo. He believes God saved and called him to serve Him and others. Nephtali has a passion for evangelism and outreach, and he hopes to continue using the gifts and tools God has given him to share His love with others, especially those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

In addition to his work for the Kingdom, Nephtali is passionate about helping the poor and needy in his community. He helps provide food, clothing and other support to children who have lost their parents as well as widows, the elderly and families that are struggling financially. Nephtali is a kind and loving person who cares about everyone around him, especially those in need. He has a servant’s heart and believes that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. His main goal is to become a good husband, father, and leader in his church.

Recent Publications

Nephtali is a professional research and writing enthusiast. He has published several blogs and articles on finance, economics, and general topics. He has a passion for writing and enjoys sharing his knowledge on various subjects. Nephtali’s best publication is his Master’s dissertation, which he wrote about “The determinants of growth of companies listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchanges“, which is definitely worth reading if you’re interested in business growth. Nephtali has written many other blogs, articles, and other content pieces. Some of them are listed below:

  • Tous
  • Articles
  • Économie
  • How to
  • Religion
  • Research
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